To view the dummy for BROTHER NATURE, please click the PDF icon on the left. This will open the file in your browser. Two sample spreads are included below, as well as a sample of the title page. (As always, I am wide open to revisions.)
Mother Nature’s retiring and has named her successor: the eldest, of course - Sister Nature. As far as Brother Nature’s concerned, the only thing she’s good at is following him around, reporting everything he does to mom. If she’s going to do that, he’s going to make it worth her time … and his. He wants mom’s job - and he’ll prove he’s capable of it in any way he can. Even if that means interrupting summer with a winter storm of epic proportions! Even if that means freezing out Sister Nature in the process. (Well, that wouldn’t be so bad, really.)
To bring this storm to life, Brother Nature will need the help of the kids reading along to get the wind blowing, the snow falling and the temperatures dropping. Putting this book in the freezer is not out of the question!